military identified the two Yemeni men transferred to Ghana as Khalid
Mohammed Salih al-Dhuby and Mahmmoud Omar Mohammed Bin Atef. Both were
born in Saudi Arabia but are considered citizens of Yemen based on their
family and tribal ties, according to military dossiers leaked by Pvt.
Chelsea Manning.
men’s dossiers contend that each went to Afghanistan before the
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and were captured by Afghan forces
in late 2001 and turned over to the United States. Some of the claims in
the leaked dossiers have been contested by detainees or their lawyers
or undercut by other evidence.
2009, each man was unanimously recommended for transfer by a six-agency
task force, if security conditions could be met in the receiving
country. But they remained stranded as wartime detainees because of
persistent chaos in their native Yemen. Neither was ever charged with a
Bin Atef’s dossier says he was a survivor of a well-known weeklong
fight in late November 2001 at the Qala-i-Jangi fortress near
Mazar-i-Sharif, where the Northern Alliance had taken hundreds of
captured Taliban and foreign fighters. ENJOY THE AUDIO BELOW... DOWNLOAD SHARE AND LISTINING ONLINE!!!!!
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